Having churned blockbusters, Aparna Sen, with her remarkable movie making skills, needs no introduction. The talented filmmaker, who has the best talents in the industry lining up to work with her, recently, received a shocker after dusky beauty Kajol arrongantly walked out on Sen.
Unbelievable as it may sound, Kajol left Aparna dumfounded after she excused herself and wlalked out in haste when Sen was narrating a story to her. Buzz has it that Aparna had written a Bengali film 'Iti Mrinalni' that is reportedly based on her life. The filmmaker wanted the dusky actress to portray her on-screen. But to her dismay Kajol not only refused, she showcased her refusal in the most raucous terms What more is that Aparna had been chasing Kajol for months now. And after finally getting an appointment for 15 minuted with her, Aparna was left all by herself. It was only after waiting for an hour for Kajol that Aparna realised that she wasn't coming back and so she left the Devgan residence feeling humiliated.
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